330th Anniversary!
330 Years
Thank you to all who participated in our Festival Evensong Sunday September 23, 2018!
Thank you to Bishop Shin, our Bishop Suffragan of New York, who presided at the liturgy and spoke eloquently about the parish in his Greeting. Thank you to Fr. Nigel Massey, our preacher, who shared stories and insights about our Huguenot heritage. Great Thanks to Philip and the Choir for wonderful music! Special Thanks to Robert Puleo for composing a beautiful setting of the “Magnificat” for our 330th Anniversary and sharing with us once again his vibrant setting of the “Te Deum”. Thank you to the Deacons ( all three in leadership roles), Vergers, Acolytes, Lectors, Ushers, and Altar Guild for serving with dedication to allow us to enjoy the beauty of worship. And WOW! What a Reception – terrific to look at and marvelous to eat – great fellowship also! Thanks to Lorna and all her ECW helpers for a grand occasion. The Evensong and Reception were both a most fitting celebration of what God has done for our spiritual ancestors and for us in our era!
Left to Right, Mary Bramson, Fr Robert, Deacon Hyacinth, Bishop Shin, Deacon Ella, and Fr. Massey.
It was a terrific success. Congratulations to Ade Bajulaiye and Lorna Land and all their helpers! It was a great crowd and a fabulous esprit. Special thanks to both Ade, Lorna, Deacon Hyacinth and their assistants for the wonderful Journal. Hearty thanks to Deacon Holly and all her Committee for the delightful Silent Auction. What an evening!